Introduction to Musical Instrument

Music is a vast and wide-ranging world where there is truly something for everyone. It really
depicts the start of an exciting and irresistible journey that offers a lifetime's listening pleasure.
Pop music is a popular music institute providing Music Lessons In Dubai. Music courses on
Guitar, piano, vocals, violin, drums, recorder, clarinet, flute, saxophone, etc. are also offered.
There are hundreds of musical instruments existing, and the majority can be placed into five
categories. They are woodwind, brass, string, keyboard, and percussion. Despite these vast
categories, each class of musical instrument is developed in entirely different ways. Since the
time of animal skin drums and bamboo flutes, human beings has always desired a way to
create something analogous to what today is called music. Music has been a major part of
humanity for thousands of years, whatever the purpose be. However, the first musical
instruments invented or available to humans were their own bodies. Whether it was percussion
from clapping or vocals from their own voices. As time passed by, humans created various
tools through history to create music. And now these are developed into broad list of modern
musical instruments which are now categorized.
These categorization also has its own difficulties, as some instruments blur the lines. Some
instruments are multipurpose and falls among different categories. An American Banjo for
example is used as a string and percussion instrument. But, synthetic sounds produced on
a computer, do not really fit into any existing category.


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